

Version : 1.2

Last revised date : 07/05/2001


ColorPicker is a simple hexadecimal color code generator. The following methods can be used to choose the desired color:

  • Click on the hue-saturation map to choose the color and fine-tune it using the brightness map.
  • Adjust the Red, Green, Blue scrollbars.

ColorPicker is freeware. The latest version of the applet is available at


<! Maximum Number of particles – default: 2000><! strength of random starting-Motion of particles – default: 35><! dynamic mouse-behaviour, “y” for on or “n” for off – default: y><! How fast particles dissappear – default: 30><! How many particles appear per round – default: 20><! The power of Gravity (0=no gravity) – default: 10>
mit der Maus auf den Kasten
fahren und klicken
<! Maximum Number of particles – default: 2000><! strength of random starting-Motion of particles – default: 35><! dynamic mouse-behaviour, “y” for on or “n” for off – default: y><! How fast particles dissappear – default: 30><! How many particles appear per round – default: 20><! The power of Gravity (0=no gravity) – default: 10>
mit der Maus auf den Kasten
fahren und klicken
<! Maximum Number of particles – default: 2000><! strength of random starting-Motion of particles – default: 35><! dynamic mouse-behaviour, “y” for on or “n” for off – default: y><! How fast particles dissappear – default: 30><! How many particles appear per round – default: 20><! The power of Gravity (0=no gravity) – default: 10>
mit der Maus auf den Kasten
fahren und klicken